Every Chapter

Almost everyone sees me as a jolly person, though some judge me because I’m too noisy. But each day, I face my own battles. People only know me based on the person I choose to present. With that in mind, I would describe myself as a book—a reflection of my true self. "Extrovert" is the term they use to describe me, but for me, the word "book" is more accurate. They only know the first page of my story, the part I choose to show. They may know me, but they don’t truly understand me; it's like judging a book without reading it. My life is like a book; you can’t understand it without analyzing each chapter. Just sit beside me and listen to my rants. Understand each chapter of my life, from what I’ve been through to how I’ve managed to survive. In conclusion, it's easy to judge someone without knowing every part of them. But if you take the time to understand, you'll see why I am the way I am.